Users can automatically maximize their yield by depositing Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens to Adamant's vault contracts.
Adamant charges a vault performance fee for this service, which is the lowest out of any yield optimizer on Polygon. The vault fee is used to pay for the cost of compounding vaults and development.
2.9% - 5%
89 (August 2022)
81 (August 2022)
N/A (August 2022)
In some old vaults on Polygon that had ADDY rewards, there may also be a withdrawal fee of 0.5% of your stake for early withdrawals within 72 hours to prevent users from "yield sniping", which is stealing yield by depositing just before the vault is compounded and then immediately withdrawing. Adamant's new vaults do not have a withdrawal fee.
The withdraw button will be red if the withdrawal fee is active, otherwise it will be yellow. Depositing into the vault will reset the early withdrawal timer.
Some of the Qi vaults have a 0.5% deposit fee (this is separate from Adamant's fees).
The APY shown on the front page takes the fee and any vault reward multipliers into account.
Vault Types:
Auto-Compound LP
Auto-compounding vaults automatically sell the harvested tokens (i.e. QUICK) and compound it into more of whatever tokens are staked.
Auto-compounding frequency will vary based on factors like the vault's TVL, the yield of the pool being farmed, the cost to compound the vault, the chain the vault is on, and vault activity. The compounding rate will be significantly lower for chains with a high transaction cost. Vaults with a TVL of below $1000 may not be compounded.
When you withdraw from an auto-compounding vault, you will withdraw more of the token that you staked. Some old vaults may not support partial withdrawals.
Users can also manually compound for a vault if they wish to.
Maximizer vaults automatically deposit the harvested tokens in the single-staking pool for that token. This allows stakers to get a much higher APY than traditional auto-compounding vaults while their staked capital avoids exposure to the harvested token.
Claiming from a maximizer vault will automatically withdraw any of the harvested token you have earned.
When you withdraw from a Maximizer vault, you will withdraw the token that you staked along with any harvested tokens that you have earned. Withdrawing from a vault will withdraw all of your staked tokens; partial withdrawals are not supported.
Smart Farming
Users deposit ETH collateral into Smart Farming vaults, which automatically:
Borrow tokens to execute a yield farming strategy
Compound harvested tokens, like normal auto-compounding vaults
Protect the user from liquidation by repaying the loan if the user's loan to collateral value falls too low
To ensure that repayment transactions are successfully processed, Adamant uses multiple bots and premium nodes to ensure maximum uptime during periods of high load.
This allows users to safely yield farm with a lower loan to collateral value and earn more income.
Last updated
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