Arbitrum Contract Links

Adamant contracts on the Arbitrum chain


Adamant Finance does not claim any relation to the Arbitrum team/Offchain Labs or to any other organizations that have names similar to "Arbitrum" and "ARBY". The "Adamant Token (Arbitrum)" token is clearly labeled as belonging to the Adamant platform in order to avoid any confusion with other organizations.

There are multiple tokens with the "ARBY" ticker. In order to avoid purchasing the wrong token, click the price displayed in the website's header or use this link to go to the correct Sushiswap page.

Normal Vaults

Vault contract addresses can be found on the Adamant Github repository.

Special Vaults

Presale Contracts

Token Lock Contracts

Both presale participant and presale dev LP tokens are locked for six months.

2m ARBY will be stored in the AirdropTimelockcontract before the AirdropVestingcontract is created. The Adamant team does not believe that much ARBY will be airdropped, but has opted to mint more than that just in case.

Each of the timelock contracts have a 7 day lock.

Other Tokens

Vault Information

The getVaultInfoForfunction returns the information for a user's stake in a vault.

The getInfoForVaultsfunction returns the information for a user's stakes in multiple vaults.

Last updated