Cronos Contract Links

Adamant contracts on the Cronos chain


Some of the Cronos contracts will have the same addresses as their equivalent contracts on Fantom and Arbitrum. Users should not assume that will always be the case.

275 million CADDY will be stored in the Minter Timelock for possible future liquidity incentives.

There will not be an incentivized CADDY/CRO pool at launch.

Normal Vaults

Vault contract addresses can be found on the Adamant Github repository.

Special Vaults

Presale Contracts

Token Lock Contracts

Both presale participant and presale dev LP tokens are locked for six months.

300m CADDY will be stored in each of the timelock contracts below before the AirdropVestingcontract is created. The Adamant team does not believe that much CADDY will be airdropped, but has opted to mint more than that just in case.

Each of the timelock contracts below have a 7 day lock.

Other Tokens

Vault Information

The getVaultInfoForfunction returns the information for a user's stake in a vault.

The getInfoForVaultsfunction returns the information for a user's stakes in multiple vaults.

Last updated